
It is hard to sum up the magic of a horse safari in the Masai Mara or to capture its energy and wonder –but we can say that this ride will leave you addicted!


A horse-riding safari in the Masai Mara is everything an adventure holiday should be – exhilarating riding, professional guides, wildlife encounters that will take your breath away and an authentic bush experience. This is one horse safari that will leave you on a high, wanting to go again and again! This horse-riding adventure in Kenya’s Masai Mara offers some of the best game viewing on the planet, with the backdrop of one of Africa’s most iconic landscapes – the endless and beautiful savannah. With sunsets like no other and vast plains to race across, you will not be disappointed mounting up here and taking on the Masai Mara on horseback.


This horseback adventure will have your heart racing as you encounter elephants, buffalos, giraffes and often big cats like lions and cheetahs on horseback. And when the migration arrives, it gives you the once-in-a-lifetime experience of cantering alongside herds of wildebeest and zebra, as you navigate the Mara with a mobile tented camp in convoy. Led by a private and expert guide you will spend 8 days exploring this beautiful part of the world, moving camp four times, with the help of a team who will set out ahead of you and have the next camp set up and a cold beverage waiting on arrival. There’s something unbeatable about evenings around the campfire after the day’s adventure. Glowing with exhilaration, enjoying an iced drink and wondering what adventure tomorrow holds. Game drives, night drives and bush walks are all available for non-riding companions or for anybody who would like a break from the saddle.


This ride covers over 250km of the Masai Mara and takes you through areas where you’ll encounter big game and is therefore not suitable for inexperienced riders. For experienced riders there is simply no better way to explore this breathtaking landscape, and all its animal encounters, than from the back of a well-schooled and fit horse. Riders need to be confident to ride from camp to camp across varied terrain where they can meet the unexpected at any turn, spending up to 7 hours in the saddle each day. Remember to come riding fit as this incredible landscape offers long exhilarating canters and the pace is often fast – Pure freedom!


You will be met either at your hotel in Nairobi or from Jomo Kenyatta airport and transferred to Wilson Airport for your light charter flight to the Mara North Airstrip. The flight is a special experience in itself with stunning views of the Kikuyu Highlands and on towards the Great Rift Valley. Once over the Rift Valley, the Loita Hills will start to come into view as you head for the airstrip where you will be welcomed by your guide.

Hop onto a vehicle for your first game drive – about an hour transfer to the camp. Pulling into a clearing in amongst the acacia trees, you will find your private camp nestled on the banks of the Mara River. You will be welcomed by a cold drink and experience your first taste of delicious ‘bush cuisine’ as lunch is served.

After lunch, get settled in before meeting the horses and climbing aboard for your first evening ride as the sun starts to sink lower in the sky. You will return to camp for your first dinner as a group and a chance to get to know your fellow riders. The camp is situated near some pools, ideal for hippo wallowing and many of these mighty beasts will be heard grunting in the night!

After waking up to your first dawn chorus and beautifully crisp African morning, you will be served cofffee in your tent before mounting up for your first ride. The ride will take you across the vast landscape full of exciting game to investigate, before returning to camp for breakfast. After breakfast hop into the game drive vehicle. Driving provides incredible photographic opportunities as you get some very close encounters with the big cats. You will return in time for lunch and a siesta.

The walk up Oloiburmut offers stunning views across the plains. Enjoy lunch and an afternoon nap back at camp, before visiting the local Masai village.

Today marks the first moving day. With any first-day nerves well in the past, set out after an early breakfast. The ride offers spectacular scenery of sweeping savannah plains, a chance for some faster riding, and game often becoming more plentiful as you approach the Mara ecosystem. Herds of zebra, topi, giraffe, wildebeest and gazelle are commonly seen and there is a good chance of elephant and buffalo sightings as well, so keep your eyes peeled! You’ll get the chance to cross the Mara River (always exhilarating with the hippos watching!) before meeting up with one of the vehicles for a picnic lunch. Both riders and horses have the chance for a break under the shade of the trees before riding onwards to the next camp.

In the afternoon, you’ll reach the camp on the edge of the Masai Game Reserve on the Olare Orok lugga. The game viewing is excellent and as you’re lying tucked up at night you are likely to hear the pride of lion and hyena calling.

After breakfast, ride out from camp to explore the surrounding area and cross the river once more. Providing the river is not in complete flood then you will make a crossing at one of the famous wildebeest crossings – A thrilling experience with hippos watching from a distance. Riding in a westerly direction, you’ll descend into the Olare Orok Valley. This scenic valley is often filled with herds of zebra, wildebeest and giraffe and provides the perfect spot for a picnic lunch. Ride into camp in time for tea and a warm shower. In the evening, there might be time for a game drive to get up close and personal with the lion and elephant and take advantage of the excellent photographic opportunity.

Return to camp for dinner and sit around the campfire, listening to the sounds of the bush before tucking into bed.

Set out this morning along for the longest journey of the trip – nearly 50km! Enjoy breakfast on the go, taking in the spectacular views. Then mount up again, and enjoy some faster riding across the open plains. The Mara birdlife is excellent and you will hopefully catch sight of the beautiful Schalow’s Turaco alongside all the plains game.

The ride offers spectacular scenery of sweeping savannah plains, a chance for some faster riding, and game often becoming more plentiful as you approach the Mara ecosystem. Herds of zebra, topi, giraffe, wildebeest and gazelle are commonly seen and there is a good chance of elephant and buffalo sightings as well, so keep your eyes peeled! You’ll get the chance to cross the Mara River (always exhilarating with the hippos watching!) before meeting up with one of the vehicles for a picnic lunch. Both riders and horses have the chance for a break under the shade of the trees before riding onwards to the next camp.

Tonight’s camp is on the edge of the Soit Olololol Escarpment, set in an idyllic forest glade with views stretching across the vast swathes of the Mara.

After an early morning wake-up call, set off for a ride in the warm morning light. This is your last moving day as you descend the escarpment and ride through the Triangle once more to the same wildebeest crossing on the river. You’ll head in a north westerly direction and after lunch you will find your final campsite set up on the banks of the Mara River. Close by there are some hippo pools and their grunting at night is a special feature of this camp.

Today you’ll have a full day of exploring this incredible area on horseback, by vehicle or on foot. You will have excellent photo opportunities with the Offbeat pride of lions often found in this area. Cheetahs are often spotted on the tall termite mounds, and herds of elephants and buffalo roam this valley. You might even get the chance to drive to one of the nearby crossings and witness the herds of wildebeest forging the river, complete with all the National Geographic worthy drama (This is never guaranteed as wildlife movements are completely sporadic).

Following sundowners and enjoy another candlelit supper. Before bed you might want to sit out around the campfire and take in stars like you won’t see anywhere else in the world.

Enjoy a last morning ride before saying goodbye to the horses. After a final breakfast, you will be driven to the airstrip and fly back to Nairobi, landing at Wilson Airport around noon. We will organise a transfer to pick you up and either take you around Nairobi to do some shopping/visits, or to a hotel day room, before taking you on to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in time for your evening flight home, or your onward destination.

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