
Witness Tanzania’s famous river crossings at the legendary Mara River in Northern Serengeti. Between July and October, the herds will gather at the steep riverbanks, waiting for the perfect moment to cross, while the strong current and dangerous Nile crocodiles are a hurdle that they must overcome to reach fresh grazing grounds! An unbelievable spectacle for any safari goer!


Meet & Greet in Arusha with your professional driver/guide. Drive to Manyara National Park – located directly along the Rift Valley. The park is squeezed in between the steep sloping Rift Valley Wall and the shallow, alkaline soda lake. The dry season from June to October is best for viewing large mammals such as elephants, giraffes, zebras and cats; while the wet season, from November to May, is ideal to spot birds. Proceed to your accommodation.

Accommodation: Rift Valley Photographic Lodge

Departure with picnic-lunch to Ngorongoro Crater for game drive. The Ngorongoro Crater is an intact volcanic caldera and a natural sanctuary for wildlife. Expect to encounter prides of lions, elephants with huge tusks due to the rich volcanic soil, plain game, hippos, birds and many more. With a little luck you might spot the highly endangered black rhinoceros. Proceed to your overnight stay.

Accommodation: Marera Valley

Road journey to Serengeti National Park with picnic-lunch. Serengeti is Tanzania’s most famous national park and was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1981. Game viewing is fantastic throughout the year with resident game including buffalos, cheetahs, crocodiles, elephants, giraffes, hippos, hyenas, leopards, lions, servals, warthogs, wildebeests, zebras and many more!

Accommodation: Baobab Serengeti Camp

Between July and October, thousands of wildebeest will gather at the legendary Mara River in Northern Serengeti – always waiting for the perfect moment to cross in order to reach fresh grazing grounds. The crossing of Mara is much more challenging than the crossing of Grumeti (between May and June) due to the steep river banks and strong streams.

The herds will gather on the river bank, undecided about what to do. Once the first begins to cross, the rest will follow almost blindly. Nile crocodiles, predators including cheetahs, leopards and lions are ready to pounce as the migration crosses their territory. The herds will spread over the northern grasslands and will cross back and forth between Serengeti and Masai Mara. What a spectacle!

Accommodation: Mara Kati Kati Tented Camp

In the morning we’ll have a short transfer to Kogatende Airstrip for a scheduled flight back to JRO.

Accommodation: Rift Valley Photographic Lodge

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