
It is a wonderful privilege to go on a safari with the legendary guide, through one of Africa’s most iconic and spellbinding landscapes.


Gordie’s father, Tony Church, helped pioneer the idea of the long-distance horse safari in the 1970’s and therefore we have him to thank for this spectacular ride we offer you. Two generations, with over 50 years experience, the Church’s offer exquisite and bespoke horseback riding safaris in Kenya.


This is a journey-of-a-lifetime as you traverse the Masai Mara plains, taking in the wonders of the African bush and all its wildlife. During the ‘great migration’, the Mara witnesses some 1.5 million wildebeest and 300,000 zebra journeys from Tanzania, and the Serengeti Plains, towards Kenya’s Masai Mara. The spectacular setting is home not only to plains game but also attracts many of Africa’s most impressive wildlife such as; elephant, giraffe, lion, leopard, and hyena.


Return to a ‘safari-of-old’, journeying in the style of Africa’s original pioneers and experiencing the freedom and joy of cantering across wide open plains, alongside the accompanying game. With unparalleled wildlife encounters, unbelievable riding, luxury tents, 5-star service, unimaginable scenery… this is the crème-de-la-crème of African horse safaris. The Church’s have over 25 horses who are loved, cherished and well schooled, to carry you safely through the private conservancies this ride uses.


Gordie has a great understanding of the landscapes, its resident wildlife, and the indigenous Masai people. Gordie and his wife Felicia run an extremely smooth operation which caters for any possible need or want – with many wonderful and thoughtful touches thrown in – allowing you to absorb the African wilderness in absolute comfort and contentment.



You will be met at Nairobi International Airport or at your Nairobi Hotel and transferred to Wilson Domestic Airport. Here you will board your light air charter flight to one of the airstrips in the North of the Mara. After landing, Gordie, or one of the team, will be waiting to take you on a game drive to your first private mobile tented camp. The drive time varies depending on the wildlife you spot along the way. Arrive in time for your first delicious lunch out in the bush. During your meal, your guides will give a full and comprehensive safety briefing and let you know what to expect over the next few days.

Spend the afternoon settling into the bush environment, before heading out for your first short ride to get to know your new four-legged companion and get your first taste of Kenya’s stunning scenery.  Felicia and her team are amazing at pairing riders and horses, and the introductory ride gives you the chance to get to know your equestrian friend and get a feel for the tack and riding style. You can always chat to the team about swapping horses if you feel that they’re not a good fit for you.

After a decadent dinner, enjoy your first night in Africa, falling asleep to the sound of the song of the bush.

Overnight: Nkilenya, Lemek Conservancy

Wake up to the sounds of birdsong on a glorious African morning, and ride out to explore the bush. Spend the day riding through acacia thickets and across wide open plains, keeping keen eyes out for the huge variety of birds and wildlife which inhabit the area. There is an abundance of animals found here, including giraffe, warthog, zebra, hartebeest, topi, wildebeest and with a little luck, you might spot cheetah and leopard too. The pace of the ride varies, depending on the terrain and the wildlife spotted, but always includes some lovely long canters. And, on quieter moments, Gordie will share his wealth of knowledge with you, enthralling you with tales of the bush.

Lunch is served back at camp and you’ll have time for a siesta. In the late afternoon, enjoy a ride or even hop in the vehicle for a game drive. As you make your way back to camp, savour the wonderful light of an African afternoon. Enjoy pink gin & tonics while you watch the sun go down on another spectacular day.

Overnight: Nkilenya, Lemek Conservancy

After a delicious breakfast, set out for a full day in the saddle. You’ll ride through a stunning area, with panorama views of the plains beyond. This area is a favourite for elephant, leopard and cheetah. From open plains, ride into the denser forests. A picnic lunch is served in the enchanting Olomai forest, before a well-deserved siesta. The horses are tied up nearby and enjoy a break and mid-day snack, and it’s always a special bonding moment.

After your break, amble along the south bank of the Mara River, looking for crocodiles and large pods of hippo. Keep a careful eye out for some of the tropical birds that also inhabit the forest, including the rare Ross’s turaco. The concentration of game, especially during the wildebeest migration (July to October) is absolutely mind blowing! Enjoy your camp on the edge of the Mara River.

Overnight: Mara River, Mara North Conservancy

Embrace another brilliant day surrounded by Africa’s magic! Depending on the wildlife, you’ll either set off on horseback or game drive vehicle in the morning.

Depending on water levels, you may even cross the Mara River on horseback and explore the Siria Escarpment – an area rarely accessed and offering a truly wild experience. If you feel up for it, you may even want to try popping over a few fallen logs, the perfect cross-country course created by the resident elephants. Back to the river camp for the evening, falling asleep to the sound of the grunting hippos.

Overnight: Mara River, Mara North Conservancy

Enjoy a ‘full monty’ breakfast, before setting off for a full day in the saddle.  You’ll ride in a southerly direction towards Maternity Plain. There are incredible views in every direction and fantastic riding terrain. You’ll cross the river again, entering the famous Mara Triangle. Enjoy a picnic lunch and siesta in the shade of the thick open forest. Leaving your picnic spot, after a relaxing afternoon siesta, you’ll have a short ride to the edge of the escarpment. Then hop off and walk the last bit to the very top, where you’ll be rewarded with incredible views of the plains stretching out below. As you head into camp, fires will have been lit, and you can relax before a night spent sharing stories over dinner and sitting out under the spectacular African stars.

Overnight: Out of Africa Camp, Mara Triangle

This morning you have the choice of heading out on horseback, or game drive vehicle in the Mara Triangle. On a clear day, you can even the plains of the Serengeti in the distance. The everchanging eco-system is home to buffalo, elephants, lions and leopards, and you never know what wildlife you may come across.

Later that afternoon, there is also the option to visit a local manyatta (traditional village) – an unforgettable and interesting experience – sometimes joined by the local Masai ‘chief’ who is a great friend of Gordie.

Overnight: Out of Africa Camp, Mara Triangle

It’s time to descend the escarpment on foot, and then mount up again. Today, you’ll head due east, riding back over the Mara River and skirting the local villages. This leads you to a fabulous picnic spot, situated under two large yellow-fever trees in the Olesere valley. After a siesta, ride over the Koiyaki Plain and then down to the new camp set on the banks of the Olare Orok Stream. This is a special spot, used by the Masai to water their cattle. This area is a also favourite for elephant, leopard and cheetah, and it’s fascinating to learn how these local people live so closely with wildlife.

Overnight: Kampi Ya Simba, Mara North Conservancy

Morning and afternoon rides, game drives or guided walks. Game drives off excellent opportunities for photography, and allow you to get up close and personal with some of Africa’s wildlife. Two large prides of lion are often seen in this area, making it a great place for big-cat encounters. Walking offers you a chance to take in the smaller creatures and learn the art of tracking.  And of course, we’ll never get tired of riding in this corner of Eden. After dinner, head out on a night drive in search of nocturnal creatures such as porcupines, badgers, owls and even leopard – you never know what you might encounter. It’s also a great time to learn more about the stars.

Overnight: Kampi Ya Simba, Mara North Conservancy

After an early morning ride and delicious brunch, bid a sad farewell to your now beloved four-legged companion and the camp staff who have helped you along the way. Enjoy a last drive through the bush to the Mara North airstrip, where you will board a light air charter flight to Nairobi, departing just before 3pm. Upon arrival in Nairobi around 4pm. you will be met and transferred to JKIA for your international flight home. Dinner en-route to the airport is optional and payable locally. If you’re heading to the Kenyan Coast or Zanzibar, we can arrange all of your accommodation and transfers for you and it’s the perfect way to end your adventure!

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Nyumbu Beyond Journeys was founded with a mission to deliver tailor-made mid range & luxury safari experiences from the very first email throughout to our clients arriving safely home. We’ve got you covered.