
Our 7 days greater Mara Area will take you to the Masai Mara Reserve as well as the private conservancies adjacent to the reserve and in the surrounding area. By combining the Masai Mara with the Mara Naboisho Conservancy, this itinerary offers superb wildlife viewing across two locations, but with all the added advantages that a conservancy-based safari experience offers.


Our driver guide from Nyumbu Beyond Journeys will be ready to meet you as you exit the arrivals terminal at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Transfer across town, skirting the perimeter of the Nairobi National Park, as you make your way towards Wilson Airport.

Connect with your domestic flight to the Masai Mara. On arrival at Ol Kiombo Airstrip, a guide from Rekero Camp will be on hand to meet you and welcome you to the area. The short drive to camp offers the opportunity to provide some background to the reserve and a briefing on the surrounding area. After arriving in camp, there’s time to settle in and acclimatize to your new surroundings before sitting down to lunch under the trees overlooking the Talek River.

In the mid-afternoon, tea and coffee is served along with a selection of freshly baked pastries to keep you fueled ahead of your afternoon game drive. Set out to explore the open plains or follow the river in search of a crossing if the Migration is in the area. As the sun begins to slide towards the horizon, pull up at an appropriate vantage point to enjoy the last rays and a cold drink. Make your way back to camp for a chance to freshen up before enjoying an episode of “bush TV” ahead of a delicious dinner under the African stars.

Mornings on safari are generally an early affair as you aim to get into the bush just as the sun is creeping over the horizon and while wildlife is at its most active in the cool morning temperatures. A gentle wake-up call at the pre-arranged time will see your hot drink of choice being delivered to your tent to be enjoyed in bed whilst taking in the sounds of the dawn chorus. A picnic breakfast can be taken from camp to be enjoyed at a suitable spot once the sun is up. In the late morning, return to camp for a chance to freshen up before enjoying lunch under the trees accompanied by the sounds of hippo’s grunting in the river below.

After lunch, there’s time to relax on your daybed with a book, or on the deck with a pair of binoculars to watch for action at the river in front of camp. As the daytime temperature begins to dip, tea and coffee is served in the lounge alongside a selection of freshly baked treats before departing for an afternoon game drive. The vehicle fridge will be carrying your preferred choice of cold drinks to be enjoyed as the day draws to a close, before returning to camp for a fireside chat and a delicious dinner.

This morning provides the opportunity for a more leisurely start to the day with breakfast enjoyed in camp ahead of your transfer to the Mara Naboisho Conservancy. The drive allows time for game viewing along the way, arriving at Naboisho Camp in the late morning. Settle into your surroundings before enjoying lunch on the grass in front of the lounge. After lunch, there’s time to cool off in the swimming pool, relax in the lounge or simply recline on your daybed while keeping an eye out for passing wildlife. In the afternoon, head out on a game drive to explore the conservancy and its array of wildlife. As always, the vehicle fridge will be stocked with your favourite sundowner, to be enjoyed as the sun waves goodbye for the day.

Due to the different rules governing the conservancy, there is no hurry to return to camp by a certain time, allowing for the opportunity to enjoy the gathering dusk and the sounds it emits. On arrival back into camp, there’s time to enjoy a hot shower before gathering for dinner in the dining tent and the opportunity to swap stories about the day’s events.

While morning and afternoon game drives continue to be an option from Naboisho Camp, there is also the option to head out on foot for the opportunity to gain a very different perspective on the surrounding bush. Walking safaris are most pleasant during the cooler hours of the morning before the temperature begins to climb and can be tailored in length to suit the requirements of the group. The emphasis of the experience shifts the focus away from big game towards the immediate environment underfoot, birdlife, flora, and the tracking of spoors. An excursion to a neighbouring Maasai community allows the opportunity for insight into a very different culture and way of life. While this activity replaces a morning or afternoon game drive, it is generally considered a unique and insightful experience.

In the evening, under the cover of darkness, head out for a night game drive in search of some of the lesser spotted nocturnal species. The experience of sitting in the bush in complete darkness with only the sounds of the night to keep you company will likely be one of your lasting memories.

After breakfast in camp, it’s time to pack your bags and wave goodbye as you set off towards Ol Seki Airstrip for your flight to Wilson Airport. On arrival at Wilson Airport, you will be met by our driver guide for your transfer across town to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to connect with your onward travel

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